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Hello there!
Looking to work with Canvas as an affiliate? We are looking for passionate individuals to create and share content surrounding our coffees, while earning competitive pay doing so!
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Our goal is to expand Canvas’ reach, build a community, increase sales, and inspire new customers to enjoy Canvas coffee every day.
At Canvas, we are looking for people who are passionate about coffee, and passionate about their own creativity.

so, what are the requirements, how do I make money, and how do I sign up?
As a specialty coffee roaster we do want to ensure quality, so those looking to become an affiliate do have to meet some requirements.
They're small, but they make a huge difference in helping not only us, but most importantly, you.
Creators are payed by competitive commission rates and are able to "level up" in tiers with specific sales goals!
And last but not least, please see the link below to sign up today!
Affiliate Requirements:
Some of these are final say, some aren't.
So we encourage you to sign up and our team will contact you about anything and everything!
1: Creators must be regularly active on socials:
2: They must have at least 500 followers on Instagram, and/or 300 on TikTok.
3: They MUST maintain a professional character on socials. This does not mean creators are expected to be serious and brick-walls. Rather they must be reliable and can be expected to not damage Canvas’ reputation in any way, shape or form. Creators who are given the privilege to be an affiliate, are expected to maintain professional character when representing Canvas.
4: Their Socials must be aesthetically pleasing, and easily pair with Canvas’ brand name and recognition, while creating their own unique image and diversity!
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